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Stay permits, residence and citizenship
Moving to San Marino

Foreigners wishing to move to San Marino must apply for the necessary documents to regularise their stay in the territory.

San Marino does not grant entry visas (for nationals of non-EU countries not belonging to the Schengen area), but provides for two types of documents, to be obtained in case of stay in the territory for a period longer than 30 days: stay permits and residence.

Stay permit

Stay permits are temporary permits, to regularize stays from 3 months to one year. Stay permits have a maximum validity period of 12 months and can be renewed at the request of the holder.


Stay permits may be granted for tourism, work, family reunification (spouse and children) or cohabitation. Moreover, special stay permits may be granted for the following reasons: education, sport, medical treatment, health assistance, rehabilitation and rest, religion, humanitarian reasons, international volunteering, working holiday schemes.


For information: info@esteri.sm


Residence permits are granted for long-term stays in the territory. The types of residence permits that may be applied for are the following:


- Registered residence permits: for foreign nationals seeking family reunification with a San Marino citizen, establishing a business in San Marino and holding management positions in institutes and companies of San Marino;


- Elective residence permits: for foreign nationals wishing to establish their residence in San Marino, who make and maintain a property or financial investment, according to the rules set by law. Foreign applicants must hold a health insurance policy, cannot work for the overall public sector nor benefit from State contributions. After 10 years, elective residence change into registered residence permits, with all relevant rights;


- Atypical residence subject to a facilitated tax regime: it is envisaged for foreign citizens who intend to take up their abode in San Marino, who have never resided in the Republic for tax purposes or who have not yet obtained, at the date of entry into force of Law no. 223/2020, the final registered residence in the territory, and who generate income abroad. Applicant foreigners must have a health insurance policy, are not eligible for employment in the Overall Public Sector and do not receive any form of contribution from the State. After 10 years, they are entitled to be granted registered residence and the related rights;


- Pensioners’ atypical residence: it is envisaged for foreign citizens who come from EU countries, Switzerland and countries established by a specific Congress of State Regulation, who intend to take up their abode in San Marino, who have never been resident in the Republic or have not yet obtained, at the date of entry into force of Law no. 223/2020, the final registered residence in the territory, and who generate income abroad according to the terms established by law. Applicant foreigners must have a health insurance policy, are not eligible for employment in the Overall Public Sector and do not receive any form of contribution from the State. After 10 years, they are entitled to be granted registered residence and the related rights.


For information: info@esteri.sm 


Residence permits are granted for long-term stays in the territory. The types of residence permits that may be applied for are the following:


- Registered residence permits: for foreign nationals seeking family reunification with a San Marino citizen, establishing a business in San Marino and holding management positions in institutes and companies of San Marino;


- Elective residence permits: for foreign nationals wishing to establish their residence in San Marino, who make and maintain a property or financial investment, according to the rules set by law. Foreign applicants must hold a health insurance policy, cannot work for the overall public sector nor benefit from State contributions. After 10 years, elective residence change into registered residence permits, with all relevant rights;


- Atypical residence subject to a facilitated tax regime: it is envisaged for foreign citizens who intend to take up their abode in San Marino, who have never resided in the Republic for tax purposes or who have not yet obtained, at the date of entry into force of Law no. 223/2020, the final registered residence in the territory, and who generate income abroad. Applicant foreigners must have a health insurance policy, are not eligible for employment in the Overall Public Sector and do not receive any form of contribution from the State. After 10 years, they are entitled to be granted registered residence and the related rights;


- Pensioners’ atypical residence: it is envisaged for foreign citizens who come from EU countries, Switzerland and countries established by a specific Congress of State Regulation, who intend to take up their abode in San Marino, who have never been resident in the Republic or have not yet obtained, at the date of entry into force of Law no. 223/2020, the final registered residence in the territory, and who generate income abroad according to the terms established by law. Applicant foreigners must have a health insurance policy, are not eligible for employment in the Overall Public Sector and do not receive any form of contribution from the State. After 10 years, they are entitled to be granted registered residence and the related rights.


For information: info@esteri.sm 

Documentation for the request of residence

Only in the Italian language section

Documentation for the request of stay permits

Only in the Italian language section

Documentation for the request of stay permits

Only in the Italian language section

Norms and regulations (Italian language only) Regulations on the granting of stay permits and residence to non-San Marino citizens
Legge 28 giugno 2010 n. 118 Legge sull'ingresso e la permanenza degli stranieri in Repubblica
Decreto Delegato 18 gennaio 2011 n. 3 Integrazioni e modifiche alle disposizioni della Legge 28 giugno 2010 n. 118 e del Decreto Delegato 26 novembre 2010 n. 186
Decreto Legge 28 dicembre 2011 n. 204 Modifiche ed integrazioni alla Legge 28 giugno 2010 n. 118
Legge 26 luglio 2012 n. 91 Modifica della Legge 28 giugno 2010 n. 118 e successive integrazioni e modifiche
Legge 30 luglio 2015 n. 118 Modifica della Legge 28 giugno 2010 n. 118 e successive modifiche
Errata corrige 5 novembre 2015 alla Legge 30 Luglio 2015 n. 118
Decreto Delegato 11 marzo 2016 n. 30 Integrazioni e modifiche alle disposizioni della Legge 28 giugno 2010 n. 118 e successive modifiche
Testo coordinato delle norme sull'ingresso e la permanenza degli stranieri in Repubblica (aggiornato al 9 aprile 2024)
Legge 7 agosto 2017 n. 94 Variazione al Bilancio dello Stato - art. 19 integrazione alla Legge 118/2010
Legge 29 settembre 2017 n. 115 Modifiche e integrazioni allo sviluppo - art. 12 integrazione alla Legge 118/2010
Legge 21 dicembre 2017 n. 147 Bilanci di previsione dello Stato - artt. 77 e 78 integrazione alla Legge 118/2010
Legge 17 maggio 2019 n. 78 Modifica della Legge 28 giugno n. 118 e successive modifiche
Decreto Delegato 22 gennaio 2016 n. 5 Regolamento di attuazione della Legge 28 giugno 2010 n. 118 e successive modifiche ai sensi dell'art. 46 della Legge 20 luglio 2015 n. 118
Decreto Delegato 19 gennaio 2018 n. 5 Flussi migratori per residenze elettive
Legge 25 gennaio 2019 n. 15 Norme in materia di imprese e settori innovativi, di residenza semplificata, di residenza per motivi economici, di permesso di soggiorno per motivi imprenditoriali, di facilitazione delle attività economiche ed in materia di attività varie d'impresa
Decreto Delegato 4 febbraio 2019 n. 25 Norme per le imprese ad alto contenuto tecnologico
Legge 23 dicembre 2020 n.223 Bilanci di previsione dello Stato – artt. 69 e 70
Decreto Delegato 28 gennaio 2021 n. 10 Regolamentazione dei Flussi Migratori per l'anno 2018