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Bodies for combating international terrorism

In the awareness that international terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to world peace and security, to fundamental human rights, to the rule of law and to the democratic order of countries, the Republic of San Marino has for some time now been assuming obligations and undertaking a virtuous process aimed at preventing and combating this phenomenon in all its forms and manifestations, in line with international standards in this field.

Permanent Counter-Terrorism Commission

International terrorism constitutes a serious threat to the world peace and security, fundamental human rights, rule of law and the democratic legal system of countries. For nearly a decade, the Republic of San Marino has been working to effectively tackle terrorism in its complex and changing forms. It has established a legal framework, which is kept constantly in line with the UN and EU global strategies for the prevention and fight against terrorism as well as with the recommendations and requirements of international bodies active in the field of terrorism, such as the FATF. This led to the adoption of Law no. 21 of 31 January 2019  "Establishment of bodies involved in the fight against international terrorism". Such legislation represents San Marino’s will to comply and align itself with international standards as well as to act and combat terrorism. It establishes three bodies in San Marino involved in the fight against international terrorism, with the aim of organising the system and implementing the national strategy.


The above-mentioned Law establishes the Permanent Counter-Terrorism Commission, the Counter-Terrorism Squad and the Counter-Terrorism Crisis Unit.


The Permanent Counter-Terrorism Commission (hereinafter referred to as PCTC) is chaired by the Director of the Department Foreign Affairs, and it is composed of the Director of Department of Institutional Affairs and Justice, the Director of the Department of Finance and Budget,  the Commanders of the Police Forces, the Head of the Civil Protection and the Director of the National Central Bureau of Interpol.


The PCTC has the following functions: discussing, analysing and monitoring international terrorism, according to the information available to its members and to competent international bodies; drawing up and updating the Strategy and the National Security Plan on terrorism containing the measures to pursue, prevent, combat and effectively tackle alleged or real terrorist threats. The functioning of the Commission is defined by Regulation no. 14 of 27 November 2019, which sets out the procedures for convening and regulating its meetings.

Committee for Restrictive Measures (CRM)

With a view to the progressive alignment with the FATF standards, in compliance with the international obligations undertaken by the Republic of San Marino to counter terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their financing, and the activity of countries that threaten international peace and security, and to allow a rapid implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions, the Great and General Council of the Republic of San Marino, by means of Law no. 57 of 29 March 2019, has established the Committee for Restrictive Measures (CRM).

The CRM is presided over by the Director of the Foreign Affairs Department and is composed of the Director of the Department of Institutional Affairs and Justice, the Director of the Department of Finance and Budget, the Commanders of the Police Forces, the Director of the NCB-Interpol and the Asset Recovery Office (ARO) and the Director of the Financial Intelligence Agency. 

The CRM is the competent authority for national and international designations of individuals, groups or entities for the purpose of their inclusion in the lists maintained by the United Nations Security Council (or one of its Committees) and in the national list, in order to allow the implementation of restrictive measures of a financial nature and concerning transit bans or embargoes; particular attention is paid in this regard to the so-called freezing measures (targeted financial sanctions) with respect to assets or funds belonging to those who are linked to terrorist activities or proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their financing. The CRM is also the competent authority for delisting and revocation of the above measures. 

In the performance of its functions, the Committee collaborates, through requests for data, information or submission or delivery of acts or documents, with the Judicial Authority, the Police Authority, the National Central Bureau of Interpol, the Financial Intelligence Agency, the national public Administrations and the corresponding foreign authorities. The CRM also collaborates with the Technical Commission for National Coordination referred to in Article 15 bis of Law no. 92 of 17 June 2008 and subsequent amendments and integrations.

The CRM is also the competent authority to make to and receive from corresponding foreign authorities requests for the freezing of assets or funds against individuals or entities included in the national list; moreover, in implementation of the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1373, it plays the important role of strengthening national cooperation among institutions, authorities and offices, as well as of enhancing international cooperation in preventing and combating criminal activities and in ensuring international peace and security.

Regulations of reference

- Law no. 21 of 31 January 2019 - Establishment of bodies involved in the fight against international terrorism

- Law no. 57 of 29 March 2019 - Measures for preventing, combating and suppressing terrorist financing, the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the activity of countries that threaten international peace and security

- Technical Annex to Law no. 57 of 29 March 2019

- Decree Law no. 153 of 17 September 2020 (amending Law no. 57/2019)

- Guidelines for the implementation of Law no. 57 of 29 March 2019

- Regulation referred to in Article 2, paragraph 2 of Law no. 57 of 29 March 2019 (with forms for delisting and exemption requests)

- Decree Law no. 27 of 4 March 2022

- Decree Law no. 59 of 7 April 2022

- Decree Law no. 67 of 28 April 2022

- Decree Law no. 68 of 28 April 2022

Restrictive measures of the UN Security Council

In order to fight terrorism and its financing, in the awareness that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to global peace and security, the Republic of San Marino transposes into its legal system the sanctions measures imposed by the United Nations Security Council through Resolutions against individuals and entities of countries or associated with groups that engage in and support terrorism and its financing, as well as updates to the lists of individuals and legal entities subject to the above-mentioned sanctions measures, established and maintained by the various Sanctions Committees of the Security Council.

Such measures include:

- freezing of funds and economic resources owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by persons, entities or groups included in the lists drawn up by the United Nations Sanctions Committees;

- commercial restrictions, including on imports or exports and arms embargoes;

- financial restrictions, including financial assistance and the prohibition to provide financial services;

- any other restrictions, including on the provision of technical assistance or training, travel ban, entry or transit prevention, diplomatic sanctions and suspension of cooperation.

UN Security Council sanctions lists

It is possible to view decisions and changes to the lists below.

Sanction Committee 2653 (2022) - Haiti


- Decision n.13 of 28.12.2023


Sanction Committee 751 (1992) - Somalia


Decision n.9 of 04.02.2020


The List established and maintained pursuant to Security Council res. 751 (1992)

- Ref. SCA/1/21(02) of 26.02.2021 published on 01.03.2021

- Ref. SCA/1/22(02) of 18.02.2022 published on 21.02.2022


Sanction List 2231 (2015) - Iran


Communication of 17.01.2016 published on 18.01.2016

Communication of 19.01.2016 published on 20.01.2016

- Communication of 19.10.2023 published on 24.10.2023


Sanction Committee 1518 (2003) - Iraq


Decision no.1 of 06.03.2017


- Ref. SCA/12/17 (03) of 08.03.2017 published on 10.03.2017

- Ref. SCA/12/17 (04) of 24.11.2017 published on 28.11.2017

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (01) of 07.06.2018 published on 08.06.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (02) of 05.07.2018 published on 06.07.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (03) of 13.07.2018 published on 16.07.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (04) of 23.07.2018 published on 24.07.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (05) of 07.08.2018 published on 08.08.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (06) of 28.08.2018 published on 29.08.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (07) of 19.09.2018 published on 21.09.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (08) of 24.09.2018 published on 25.09.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (09) of 28.09.2018 published on 03.10.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (10) of 01.10.2018 published on 03.10.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (11) of 02.11.2018 published on 06.11.2018

- Communication of 13.11.2018 published on 14.11.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/18 (13) of 27.12.2018 published on 28.12.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (01) of 08.01.2019 published on 09.01.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (02) of 29.01.2019 published on 30.01.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (03) of 13.03.2019 published on 14.03.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (04) of 04.04.2019 published on 05.04.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (05) of 08.04.2019 published on 09.04.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (06) of 14.05.2019 published on 15.05.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (07) of 24.06.2019 published on 01.07.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (08) of 28.06.2019 published on 01.07.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (09) of 30.10.2019 published on 20.12.2019

- Ref. SCA/12/20 (01) of 02.01.2020 published on 03.01.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (25) of 01.12.2020 published on 04.12.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (27) of 16.12.2020 published on 17.12.2020

- Ref. SCA/12/21 (01) of 18.01.2021 published on 19.01.2021

- Ref. SCA/12/21 (04) of 08.09.2021 published on 09.09.2021

- Ref. SCA/12/21 (05) of 21.09.2021 published on 22.09.2021

Ref. SCA/12/21 (05) of 08.12.2021 published on 15.12.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (18) of 29.12.2022 published on 5.01.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (19) of 29.12.2022 published on 5.01.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (01) of 03.03.2022 published on 7.03.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (02) of 18.04.2022 published on 19.04.2022

- Ref. SCA/12/22 (3) of 19.05.2022 published on 31.05.2022

- Ref. SCA/12/22 (04) of 30.08.2022 published on 31.08.2022

- Ref. SCA/12/23 (01) of 09.03.2023 published on 10.03.2023

- Ref. SCA/12/23 (02) of 27.03.2023 published on 28.03.2023

- Ref. SCA/12/23 (03) of 05.10.2023 published on 06.10.2023


Sanction Committee 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) - ISIL (Da'esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities


Decision no.2 of 06.10.2008
Decision no.5 of 27.07.2015
Decision no.2 of 23.12.2015
Decision no.9 of 28.08.2017


- Ref. SCA/2/15 (45) of 30.12.2015 published on 04.01.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (01) of 11.01.2016 published on 13.01.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (05) of 11.02.2016 published on 12.02.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (06) of 23.02.2016 published on 24.02.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (07) of 29.02.2016 published on 01.03.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (10) of 28.03.2016 published on 04.04.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (12) of 20.04.2016 published on 21.04.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (15) of 20.06.2016 published on 21.06.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (16) of 24.06.2016 published on 29.06.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (18) of 05.07.2016 published on 06.07.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (19) of 15.07.2016 published on 18.07.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (20) of 03.08.2016 published on 04.08.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (21) of 22.08.2016 published on 23.08.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (23) of 14.09.2016 published on 15.09.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (24) of 26.09.2016 published on 27.09.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (25) of 11.10.2016 published on 12.10.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (26) of 11.10.2016 published on 12.10.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (27) of 25.10.2016 published on 26.10.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/16 (29) of 12.12.2016 published on 13.12.2016

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (03) of 18.01.2017 published on 19.01.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (04) of 03.02.2017 published on 06.02.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (05) of 15.02.2017 published on 20.02.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (06) of 22.02.2017 published on 23.02.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (08) of 16.03.2017 published on 17.03.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (09) of 21.03.2017 published on 28.03.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (10) of 29.03.2017 published on 30.03.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (11) of 30.03.2017 published on 31.03.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (12) of 08.04.2017 published on 11.04.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (14) of 28.04.2017 published on 04.05.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (15) of 01.05.2017 published on 04.05.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (16) of 07.06.2017 published on 08.06.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (17) of 16.06.2017 published on 19.06.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (19) of 03.07.2017 published on 04.07.2017

- Ref. SCA/7/17 (20) of 06.07.2017 published on 07.07.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (21) of 21.07.2017 published on 24.07.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (22) of 20.07.2017 published on 21.07.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (23) of 21.07.2017 published on 24.07.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (25) of 28.07.2017 published on 01.08.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (26) of 09.08.2017 published on 11.08.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (28) of 18.08.2017 published on 21.08.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (29) of 28.08.2017 published on 31.08.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (30) of 12.09.2017 published on 13.09.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (32) of 25.09.2017 published on 26.09.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (33) of 04.10.2017 published on 06.10.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (35) of 20.11.2017 published on 21.11.2017

- Ref. SCA/2/17 (36) of 26.12.2017 published on 08.01.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (01) of 14.02.2018 published on 16.02.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (02) of 06.03.2018 published on 07.03.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (11) of 29.03.2018 published on 30.03.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (12) of 09.05.2018 published on 10.05.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (14) of 29.05.2018 published on 30.05.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (15) of 05.06.2018 published on 06.06.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (15) of 18.06.2018 published on 19.06.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (16) of 17.07.2018 published on 18.07.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (18) of 09.08.2018 published on 13.08.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (19) of 23.08.2018 published on 24.08.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (23) of 04.10.2018 published on 05.10.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (24) of 15.10.2018 published on 16.10.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/18 (25) of 19.11.2018 published on 20.11.2018

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (01) of 08.02.2019 published on 11.02.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (03) of 28.02.2019 published on 04.03.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (04) of 13.03.2019 published on 14.03.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (06) of 22.03.2019 published on 26.03.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (07) of 29.03.2019 published on 01.04.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (08) of 13.04.2019 published on 15.04.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (09) of 17.04.2019 published on 19.04.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (10) of 22.04.2019 published on 23.04.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (11) of 01.05.2019 published on 06.05.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (15) of 21.05.2019 published on 21.05.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (18) of 09.08.2019 published on 12.08.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (20) of 20.08.2019 published on 27.08.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (22) of 11.10.2019 published on 14.10.2019

- Ref. SCA/2/19 (23) of 05.11.2019 published on 25.01.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (01) of 14.01.2020 published on 20.01.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (02) of 04.02.2020 published on 07.02.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (03) of 18.02.2020 published on 25.02.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (04) of 23.02.2020 published on 25.02.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (06) of 04.03.2020 published on 05.03.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (07) of 24.03.2020 published on 07.04.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (09) of 21.05.2020 published on 22.05.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (11) of 16.07.2020 published on 17.07.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (15) of 10.09.2020 published on 30.09.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/20 (16) of 08.10.2020 published on 12.10.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (04) of 19.02.2021 published on 23.02.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (05) of 23.02.2021 published on 24.02.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (06) of 23.03.2021 published on 23.03.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (07) of 06.04.2021 published on 08.04.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (14) of 06.09.2021 published on 07.09.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (16) of 23.11.2021 published on 25.11.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (17) of 21.12.2021 published on 23.12.2021

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (01) of 3.01.2022 published on 5.01.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (02) of 17.01.2022 published on 18.01.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (03) of 24.01.2022 published on 25.01.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (06) of 03.03.2022 published on 07.03.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (07) of 07.03.2022 published on 09.03.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (10) of 27.05.2022 published on 30.05.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/22 (11) of 27.05.2022 published on 30.05.2022

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (01) of 16.01.2023 published on 17.01.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (02) of 27.01.2023 published on 30.01.2023

- Communication of 02.02.2023 published on 03.02.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (03) of 02.02.2023 published on 07.02.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (05) of 15.03.2023 published on 27.03.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (06) of 26.04.2023 published on 27.04.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (07) of 02.06.2023 published on 20.06.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (08) of 05.06.2023 published on 20.06.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (10) of 21.07.2023 published on 24.07.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (13) of 14.11.2023 published on 21.11.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/24 (01) of 05.01.2024 published on 08.01.2024

- Ref. SCA/2/24 (02) of 10.01.2024 published on 12.01.2024

- Ref. SCA/2/24 (03) of 07.02.2024 published on 09.02.2024

- Ref. SCA/2/24 (06) of 25.04.2024 published on 29.04.2024

- Ref. SCA/2/24 (09) of 23.08.2024 published on 26.08.2024


Sanction Committee 1970 (2011) - Libya


- Decision no.7 of 28.08.2017


- Ref. SCA/13/16 (02) of 01.04.2016 published on 04.04.2016

- Ref. SCA/13/16 (03) of 27.04.2016 published on 28.04.2016

- Ref. SCA/13/16 (04) of 12.05.2016 published on 16.05.2016

- Ref. SCA/13/17 (01) of 21.07.2017 published on 27.07.2017

- Ref. SCA/13/17 (02) of 02.08.2017 published on 03.08.2017

- Ref. SCA/13/17 (03) of 20.10.2017 published on 23.10.2017

- Ref. SCA/13/17 (04) of 31.10.2017 published on 06.11.2017

- Ref. SCA/13/17 (05) of 27.11.2017 published on 28.11.2017

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (01) of 18.01.2018 published on 19.01.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/17 (02) of 26.01.2018 published on 31.01.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (03) of 02.02.2018 published on 06.02.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (05) of 18.04.2018 published on 19.04.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (06) of 29.04.2018 published on 03.05.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (07) of 07.06.2018 published on 08.06.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (10) of 11.09.2018 published on 12.09.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (11) of 17.09.2018 published on 18.09.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/18 (12) of 16.11.2018 published on 20.11.2018

- Ref. SCA/13/20 (02) of 25.02.2020 published on 26.02.2020

- Ref. SCA/13/21 (06) of 25.10.2021 published on 26.10.2021

Ref. SCA/13/22 (01) of 31.01.2022 published on 31.01.2022

- Communication of 18.07.2022 published on 03.08.2022

- Communication of 16.10.2023 published on 18.10.2023

- Rif. SCA/2/24 (01) of 31.01.24 published on 07.02.2024

Sanction Committee 2374 (2017) - Mali


- Decision no. 3 of 16.04.2018


- Communication of 20.12.2018 published on 21.12.2018

- Ref. SCA/1/19 (17) (a) of 09.07.2019 published on 11.07.2019

- Ref. SCA/1/19 (17) (b) of 09.07.2019 published on 11.07.2019

- Ref. SCA/1/19 (17) (c) of 09.07.2019 published on 12.07.2019

- Ref. SCA/1/19 (25) of 19.12.2019 published on 20.12.2019

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (02) of 19.12.2019 published on 20.01.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/22 (18) of 05.10.2022 published on 10.10.2022


Sanction Committee 2127 (2013) – Central African Republic


- Decision no. 4 of 31.07.2017


- Ref. SCA/1/18 (07) of 16.02.2018 published on 20.02.2018

- Ref. SCA/1/18 (11) of 26.04.2018 published on 27.04.2018

- Ref. SCA/12/19 (11) of 18.04.2019 published on 19.04.2019

- Ref. SCA/1/19 (22) of 06.09.2019 published on 09.09.2019

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (11) of 20.04.2020 published on 23.04.2020

- Communication of 05.05.2020 published on 07.05.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (17) of 28.07.2020 published on 29.07.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (19) of 05.08.2020 published on 6.08.2020

- Ref. SCA/2/21 (04) of 19.02.2021 published on 22.02.2021

- Ref. SCA/1/21(01) of 22.02.2021 published on 23.02.2021

- Ref. SCA/1/21(06) of 05.04.2021 published on 07.04.2021

- Ref. SCA/1/21(16) of 21.12.2021 published on 23.12.2021


Sanction Committee 1533 (2004) – Democratic Republic of the Congo


- Decision no. 3 of 31.07.2017


- Ref. SCA/1/18 (05) of 01.02.2018 published on 06.02.2018

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (07) of 06.02.2020 published on 25.02.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (08) of 25.02.2020 published on 26.02.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (20) of 19.08.2020 published on 30.09.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/20 (24) of 02.11.2020 published on 10.12.2020

- Ref. SCA/1/23 (07) of 02.03.2023 published on 03.03.2023

- Ref. SCA/2/23 (19) of 25.10.2023 published on 27.10.2023

- Ref. SCA/1/24 (0) of 20.02.2024 published on 22.02.2024


Sanction Committee 1718 (2006) - Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


- Decision no. 7 of 01.02.2018


- Ref. SCA/4/16 (12) of 18.12.2016 published on 20.12.2016

- Ref. SCA/4/17 (10) of 01.06.2017 published on 02.06.2017

- Ref. SCA/4/17 (11) of 05.06.2017 published on 06.06.2017

- Ref. SCA/4/18 (03) of 15.02.2018 published on 16.02.2018

- Ref. SCA/4/18 (04) of 30.03.2018 published on 03.04.2018

- Ref. SCA/4/18 (07) of 23.05.2018 published on 24.05.2018

- Ref. SCA/4/18 (11) of 09.07.2018 published on 11.07.2018

- Ref. SCA/4/18 (05) of 08.08.2018 published on 09.08.2018

- Ref. SCA/4/18 (16) of 14.09.2018 published on 18.09.2018

- Ref. SCA/4/18 (18) of 16.10.2018 published on 17.10.2018

- Ref. SCA/4/20 (3) of 11.05.2020 published on 14.05.2020

- Ref. SCA/4/22 (4) of 30.06.2022 published on 1.07.2022

- Ref. SCA/4/22 (5) of 26.07.2022 published on 03.08.2022

- Ref. SCA/4/22 (6) of 14.09.2022 published on 15.09.2022

- Ref. SCA/4/23 (06) of 29.06.2023 published on 10.07.2023

- Communication SC/15385 of 16.08.2023 published on 22.08.2023

- Ref. SCA/4/24 (03) of 07.03.2024 published on 11.03.2024

- Ref. SCA/4/24 (6) of 15.04.2024 published on 19.04.2024

- Ref. SCA/4/24 (08) of 17.09.2024 published on 19.09.2024


Sanction Committee 1591 (2005) - Sudan


Decision no. 1 of 05.04.2018


- Ref. SCA/1/21 (03) of 05.03.2021 published on 08.03.2021


Sanction Committee 1636 (2005) - Lebanon


Decision no.16 of 30.08.2018


Sanction Committee 2206 (2015) - South Sudan


Decision no. 15 of 30.08.2018


- Ref. SCA/1/16 (27) of 03.11.2016 published on 04.11.2016

Communication of 13.07.2018 published on 16.07.2018

- Ref. SCA/1/18 (25) of 21.11.2018 published on 22.11.2018

- Ref. SCA/1/19 (16) of 25.06.2019 published on 01.17.2019


Sanction Committee 1988 (2011) - Taliban


- Ref. SCA/14/16 (01) of 21.07.2016 published on 22.07.2016

- Ref. SCA/14/16 (02) of 07.09.2016 published on 08.09.2016

- Ref. SCA/14/16 (04) of 23.12.2016 published on 27.12.2016

- Ref. SCA/14/17 (01) of 16.02.2017 published on 20.02.2017

- Ref. SCA/14/18 (01) of 10.04.2018 published on 12.04.2018

- Ref. SCA/14/19 (01) of 30.01.2019 published on 31.01.2019

- Ref. SCA/14/20 (08) of 23.12.2020 published on 12.01.2021


Sanction Committee 2140 (2014) - Yemen


Decision no. 2 of 20.03.2017


- Ref. SCA/16/18 (02) of 23.04.2018 published on 24.04.2018
- Ref. S/RES/2564 (2021) of 25.02.2021 published on 03.03.2021

Ref. SCA/16/21 (06) of 09.11.2021 published on 10.11.2021

Communication of 01.03.2022 published on 07.03.2022

- Ref. SCA/16/22 (04) of 27.09.2022 published on 28.09.2022

- Ref. SCA/16/22 (05) of 04.10.2022 published on 05.10.2022

- Ref. SCA/16/24 (03) of 01.08.2024 published on 05.08.2024


Pursuant to Law no. 57 of 29 March 2019, the Congress of State, upon proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, enforces without delay, by means of a decision, the above-mentioned restrictive measures imposed by United Nations Security Council resolutions.


Freezing of assets or funds becomes effective on the date of adoption of the Congress of State Decision; updates to the United Nations lists are deemed to have been transposed automatically when they are received by the Department of Foreign Affairs and by the Financial Intelligence Agency, namely the two focal points receiving the relevant communications of the United Nations Security Council or one of its competent Committees.


The Agency immediately notifies the Court, Police Forces, Public Administrations responsible for keeping the public registers and obliged parties of the updates to the United Nations lists and transmits the decisions adopted by the Congress of State.


The Consolidated List, constantly updated by the Security Council, which brings together all lists of natural and legal persons subject to restrictive measures, is also available.

National list

No individuals or entities on the national list.

European Union restrictive measures in connection with the Ukrainian-Russian conflict

Regulations of reference


  • Decree Law no. 41 of 22 March 2022





Council Decision 2014/145/CFSP of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine





ouncil Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine